PayEscape’s Solution
The solution was for PayEscape to take over the process of running the payroll using our client services team and cloud-based software, Unity. Firstly, PayEscape set about creating an “interface” with Time Point which meant there would be no need for manual intervention or data entry when processing the payroll. This not only vastly reduced administration time but also increased the accuracy of data going into Unity. As part of the implementation process and delivering the “interface” with Time Point, PayEscape ensured all standard pay rates, whether they were hourly, salaried, MMP, SSP were created in Unity to ensure the automated calculation of pay once the data had reached Unity.
Roe Park would use the “five click process” process’ to submit their payroll and PayEscape would then take over calculating all tax, NI, SSP holiday pay and auto enrolment contributions plus deal with any tax code updates. As part of the auto enrolment process, PayEscape took the burden away from Roe Park and uploaded employee payment information directly to the pension provider as well monitoring employee eligibility,informing each employee of their eligibility status managing the entire process whether they were to be enrolled or not.
Beyond Payroll
RTI requirements and HMRC
Upon completion of payroll, Payescape manage the RTI requirements as well as dealing with HMRC on behalf of Roe Park. In addition, PayEscape provide monthly journals in a format that can simply be uploaded directly into the Sun Systems finance system.
Employee Self Service (EES)
Each employee was given access to their own secure cloud based portal, Employee Self Service (ESS) and here they can access their payslips, P60’s or P45’s online. In addition, and to save further double entry of information each employee was given the ability to change their address and bank details within ESS which meant the finance department saved even more time and onus was placed back on the employee to ensure the information provided was correct.
This process ensures a complete and robust audit trail was created for each individual employee of all documents relating to their employment within Unity’s HR function. This meant that within three clicks a line manager could access relevant employee documentation. Roe Park reduced their payroll
processing time by over 50% Roe Park now has a single location to store employee documents, reducing time spent managing this information Roe Park no longer had to manually manipulate data to fit within multiple systems.