Companies have to use a variety of software to manage daily operations – from payroll and HR to accounting and forecasting. When it comes time to renew licenses or upgrade software, it can complicate integrations and disrupt operations. If employees are resistant to change software, this can lead to using old technology or multiple systems to manage the same employee data. Using integrated technology that manages employee data across teams can reduce duplicate functions and optimise operations.

Duplicate Processes
Payroll and HR use the same data to pay employees, manage holidays and leave. As employee data is usually standard across these functions, if you are using separate systems that do not communicate with each other, there are multiple teams importing or entering the same data and managing any changes, which leads to many teams doing the job that one team could manage.

Manual Entry and Errors
When HR on boards new employees, there are many data points that payroll also needs to use. If you have more than one team entering the same data into different systems, errors can happen. A small address change or name change can lead to costly mistakes when it comes to payroll or tax reporting. Using one system of record for your employees provides less room for mistakes and errors are easy to spot.

Reporting Functionality
Another problem with using multiple systems to manage employee data is the lack of reporting or access to real-time data. Payroll teams have to manage year-end reporting for HMRC, HR has to manage appraisals and create annual reports for leadership teams. If your team doesn’t have access to accurate data, or a reporting tool, these reports become a manual process that is inefficient and error-prone. Using payroll and HR technology with customised reporting ensures your team can view payroll and HR in real-time, and provide leadership with timely reporting for future planning.

If it is time to renew or upgrade your payroll or HR technology, one important component to look for is integrated software for both payroll and HR admin. You need customised reporting and cloud-based technology to manage employee data. Streamline your operations with easy-to-use software, integrated payroll and HR admin, and reporting to view your employee data in real-time. Learn more