What is pension reform
Pension reform refers to changes made to the laws and regulations governing pension schemes. Pension reform has been a significant topic in the payroll industry especially in recent years. Pension reform is driven by the need to address challenges posed by an aging population and to ensure that pension provision remains sustainable in the long term.

One of the most notable pension reforms was the introduction of automatic enrolment in workplace pensions. This scheme, introduced in 2012, requires employers to automatically enroll eligible workers into a workplace pension scheme and to make contributions to their pension savings. Choosing a payroll provider means you can automatically enroll your employees to your company’s pension scheme hassle free.

Changes to the state pension age

Other recent pension reforms include changes to the state pension age, the introduction of pension freedoms which give individuals more choice and flexibility over how they access their pension savings, and reforms to public sector pension schemes.

Pension reform is an ongoing process, as governments and policymakers seek to balance the need to ensure that pension provision is sustainable with the need to provide adequate income for retirees. As life expectancy continues to rise and the population ages, pension reform is likely to remain a key issue for policymakers in the years to come.

Workplace pension reform history

Millions of people are not saving enough for their retirement. According to the Department for Work and Pensions;

  • In 1901 there were 10 people working for every pensioner in the UK.
  • In 2005 there were 4 people working for every pensioner.
  • By 2050 it is expected that this will change to just two workers for every pensioner.

The Pensions Act 2008 introduced a series of reforms to increase private pension saving so that more people have the chance to save for their retirement. Beginning in 2012 and introduced in stages over 4 years, all employers must provide a qualifying pension scheme and assess their workers under a set of prescribed rules in order to identify the category that they qualify for.

The government has staggered the start dates by which employers have to be compliant with this new legislation. This date is referred to as the ‘staging date’ and all employers will be contacted by the government prior to their staging date.

Employers who currently do not have a qualifying scheme

For employers who currently do not have a qualifying scheme the government has introduced a new scheme called NEST (National Employment Savings Trust). This will be available to any employer who chooses to use it. It is designed to meet the needs of people who are largely new to pension saving. NEST can be used as a sole scheme, or alongside an existing scheme. Your current scheme may already meet the standards and possibly exceed them; however it is strongly recommended that you speak to your pension provider in advance of your staging date.

Essential tips for pension reform

State pension reform is a critical aspect of financial planning, and it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve. Your current pension provider may have already been in touch with you about the upcoming changes. While it may seem like it’s early days, there’s a lot of groundwork to cover between you and your pension provider to ensure compliance with the legislation and to be fully prepared for your staging date.

At PayEscape, we understand the importance of this transition. While we may already be providing you with information for your pension provider, we recognise that different information may be required as you approach your staging date. We’re here to help you navigate this process smoothly. Reports will be made available to ensure that you meet all the criteria for reporting to your pension provider.

To help you get started, here are some essential steps to consider:

Find your staging date: Your staging date is the date your workplace pension duties come into effect. To find out your staging date, you can use the following link: Staging Dates by Employer.

Plan for your pension scheme: Start planning for when you might need your pension scheme. Understanding your retirement goals and financial needs is crucial for making the most of your pension scheme.

Stay informed: Below are some useful links to help you understand the criteria and your employer’s duties regarding pension reform:

Workplace Pension Reforms – Department for Work and Pensions
The Pensions Regulator
NEST Pensions

By following these steps and staying informed, you can ensure a smooth transition and make the most of your pension scheme.

Pension Reform with PayEscape

With more and more of our customers reaching their staging date we have risen to the challenges of managing our customers’ varied pension requirements. Regardless of which Pension provider our clients decide to use Payescape provides the upload files in the appropriate format. In addition to this we will generate the letters needed to keep your employees informed and help you the employer meet your legal obligations.